Saturday, July 16, 2005

The journey continued (approximately)

Day 15

Location: near Fort Dick, California

Total miles traveled: approx. 5,800

Greetings from the Pacific Ocean! Though it took about a 4 hour drive, I made it out to the most northern extension of Highway 1 that runs along the coast of California. As soon as I made it out of the woods and got near the ocean you could feel the cooler air and I could drive with my windows up, even though the sun was out and it was just about noon.

It took a while to actually see the Pacific, though, as there was a lot of fog. But it didn't take long before I was able to pull over and get a great look and bright blue, clear ocean water:

As I was getting back into my car, another one pulled up next to mine and the driver noticed the NY plate. Turns out his name was Chris, he was from Buffalo, and was on his own cross-country trip. He is a teacher, as well, and we were able to swap stories about our trips for a little while.

I got back on Highway 1, heading North, and that eventually ended but I continued North on route 101, which also runs near the coast. I was able to drive through Redwood National Forest (where I did see some very, very tall trees - but sequoias are much bigger across) which was enjoyable. According to my KOA (Kampgrounds of America) map, there was going to be a campground coming up somewhere after Crescent City...and sure enough I found it, right off of Hwy 101. I was able to use my KOA discount card for the first time (a moment I have hoped for day after day), and I got my tent set up, so here I am now using the wireless Internet access here to update the journal.

Though it's a bit chilly, I should be able to keep pretty warm in my sleeping bag tonight. I'll wake up early and I should be able to arrive at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon by the afternoon. Depending on location, I might also be able to visit someone I used to go to school with, too.

Two guys actually just sat down at this table I'm typing who happen to be from Western Pennsylvania. We've been sharing some stories and I've gotten some tips about things to look out for later on my trip. This is part of what I've looked forward to about this trip, talking to others about their experiences, and here I've gotten to have some great discussions twice today already.

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