Sunday, September 18, 2005

Info on using the site

Welcome visitors!

Thanks for checking my site out - I had a wonderful experience on the road this past July and am glad to share it with anyone who is interested.

As you can tell, the journal entries are in reverse-chronological order. If you're like me and prefer to view things in a natural order, just click on the links under the "Archives" (on the right, in blue, just a little down the page). This way, you can go back to Day 1 and move forward, if you would prefer. There might be more than one post on a particular page, as some I've written on the same day (for example - Day 2 and 3). If that is the case, scroll down to the bottom of the page to read the earlier post first. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks again for stopping by. Don't forget to sign the guestbook, or send me an email with your comments at I'd love to hear about your experiences on the road, as well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well damn, what a sucky way to end the blog... with a bunch of spam. I read the whole thing and I liked it, it gave me some ideas for my trip.


Saturday, April 28, 2007 4:11:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Joe! wow how crazy i was googling "road trips" for some ideas and ur name popped out and i was like this guy sounds really familiar maybe i went to school with him... and then i saw johnson city and then i was like yess! i remember...i remembered we took that SOM class together MIS311 i think or something..with that crazy lady.. ute st. claire or something... one of those computer courses where we were in a group together with chris and i forget this other girl. lol anyway... im sure this is like some vague memory haha. sounds like you have been up to a lot since those college days, your road trip sounds amazing definitely seems like you had some pretty good experiences! Hope everything is well! Iris

Friday, July 27, 2007 12:02:00 AM  

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