Friday, July 15, 2005

The rest of Day 13 and Day 14

Location: Sacramento, California

Total miles traveled: 5,340

I arrived in Sacramento shortly after 5 PM on the 13th, just showing up shortly after my brother Mike returned from work at Beale Air Force Base. I only recently learned he is a sergeant in the Air Force Reserves. It was nice to be inside, and I got a shower and cleaned up, and then we headed out to some Mexican with Mike's girlfriend, Heather, and some other friends.

It was a relaxing night, and I got to sleep in a bed for the first time in several days. Today (the 14th) since Mike had to work, I had the morning and afternoon to get some stuff done on my own. I went to Sacramento State University, Mike's alma mater and future grad school, and was able to use the Internet there. I also found a place where I could get a quick haircut as I've gotten pretty shaggy in the weeks I've been on the road.

When Mike returned he, Heather, and I went out for pizza and got some ice cream at a "Cold Stone" (just as nice as the one in Texas). It was a time to eat up, since I will probably be back on the dry food until at least I arrive in Colorado, which will probably be near the last week of July. We came back and I was able to wash my very dirty clothers and I got to wash my car, as well. The car has held up remarkably well, but she was really really dirty after driving over 5,000 miles.

Tomorrow I'll head out early, kicking off the second half of this trip - I'll head West towards the coast and drive north along highways 1 and 101, up into Oregon, and then I'll head NE towards Crater Lake National Park. From there, I'll head into Idaho and then Northern Montanta towards Glacier National park. I had debated heading up to Washington near the Seattle area, but it would take too much time away from other areas I want to see more. After Glacier, the route turns South for a while, with some zig-zagging along the way.

I'm glad I came this way to see Mike...I'm the last Curtin to see California. And it was also nice to finally meet Heather (there are more pictures of her in my parents' house than of me). I'll see them both in just under a month again as they will be in NY for Brendan's wedding.

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